Privacy disclaimer


SVR-ARCHITECTS NV or the ‘controller
Volhardingstraat 26, 2020 Antwerpen
KBO/BTW BE 0425.353.512
+32 3 242 82 00

This privacy policy applies to all services provided by SVR-ARCHITECTS NV.

SVR-ARCHITECTS NV is committed to protecting your personal data and privacy. Therefore, we will only use your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Act and other relevant legal requirements. By privacy law we mean the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data. Any reference to the GDPR is a reference to the regulation of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, also called the General Data Protection Regulation or General Data Protection Regulation.

With this privacy policy, SVR-ARCHITECTS NV informs you about how your personal data are processed and what your rights are in this respect.

By using the website, you accept this privacy policy and explicitly grant your permission for us to process your personal data. The website may contain links to third-party websites. Although these websites have been carefully selected, SVR-ARCHITECTS NV cannot be held responsible for the way in which these third parties handle your personal data. Please read the privacy statement of the website you visit.
This privacy policy may be subject to change in the future.

We therefore advise you to consult this document regularly. Any substantial change in the content will also be clearly communicated.


  1. How to assert your rights?

Either by sending a registered letter to:
Volhardingstraat 26
2020 Antwerp

or by sending an e-mail to or

Always mention:

  • First and last name of the person. (copy of your identity card)
  • E-mail address of the person
  • What changes or deletions you want to make
  • If desired, a telephone number where we can reach you

If you request changes or deletion, this will be done as soon as possible and at least within 30 days after receipt of the request.

2. Right to lawful and secure processing of your personal data

SVR-ARCHITECTS NV will process your personal data with due care.
This includes the following:

  • Your personal data will be processed according to the legitimate purposes described in this privacy policy.
  • Your personal data will only be processed as far as this is necessary and appropriate and is not excessive.
  • Your personal data will only be kept as long as necessary for the realisation of purposes as described in this privacy policy.

SVR-ARCHITECTS NV will implement the necessary technical measures to minimize the risks of unlawful access to your personal data or the processing thereof. In the event of an intrusion into the computer systems, SVR-ARCHITECTS NV will immediately take all possible measures to minimize the damage.

The computers and internet connections on which we store and transport your personal data are protected as much as possible against hacking, installation of malware and other improper use. You can only log in to the computers and the network with a user name and password.

Everyone who is allowed to view or know your personal data on behalf of SVR-ARCHITECTS NV is bound to secrecy of this information. Personal data are backed up in order to be able to restore them in the event of a physical or technical incident.

All SVR-ARCHITECTS NV employees are informed about the importance of protecting personal data and privacy, and this is included in their employment contracts.

If necessary, personal data are pseudonymized and encrypted.
The systems are regularly tested and evaluated.

3. Right to modification or deletion of your personal data.

After you have provided proof of your identity to SVR-ARCHITECTS NV, you have the right to find out if they are processing your data. If your data are included in the databases, you always have the right to request and consult your personal data:

  • request and view them,
  • to have it altered,
  • to have them deleted.

This is possible for one or more entries in our databases. You can also ask to be removed from all databases. You will then be ‘forgotten’ and not contacted in any way. The ‘right to be forgotten’ is only possible under the following conditions:

  • When the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were originally collected.
  • When there is no legal basis for the processing and the personal data were collected with consent.
  • When you object to the processing of your personal data and there are no more important compelling legitimate grounds for retaining your existence. Justified grounds” include accounting and other legal obligations.
  • When the personal data have been obtained unlawfully.
  • When the personal data must be deleted in accordance with a legal obligation.

SVR-ARCHITECTS NV will judge for itself whether you fulfil one of the above conditions. You can exercise your right to modification or deletion by contacting SVR-ARCHITECTS NV. See “How to exercise your right” above for address details and deadline for exercising your right. Right to object to and the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. You have the right to obtain a restriction of the processing of your personal data:

  • During the period necessary for SVR-ARCHITECTS NV to verify the accuracy of your personal data in case of dispute.
  • When the personal data has been obtained unlawfully and you request that it be used only in a limited way instead of being deleted.
  • When the user’s personal data are no longer needed for the processing purposes and the user needs the personal data for legal proceedings.
  • During the period necessary for SVR-ARCHITECTS NV to verify that all conditions for deletion of the personal data have been met.

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data. SVR-ARCHITECTS NV will then cease processing your personal data, unless SVR-ARCHITECTS NV can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for processing the personal data which override the right to object. You can exercise your right to object by contacting SVR-ARCHITECTS NV. See “How to assert your right” above for address details and deadline for enforceability.

4. Right to data portability

As a visitor, you have the right to receive back the personal data that you have transmitted to SVR-ARCHITECTS NV in a structured, machine-readable file. Furthermore, you are entitled to transfer the data to another data controller if the processing is based solely on the user’s consent. You can exercise your right to transfer by contacting SVR-ARCHITECT NV. See “How to exercise your right” above for address details and deadline for enforceability.

5. Right to withdraw consent to processing

You have the right to withdraw consent to the processing of your data at any time. However, this does not change the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. You can exercise your right to withdraw consent for processing by contacting SVR-ARCHITECT NV. See “How to exercise your right” above for address details and deadline for exercising.

6. Right of complaint

If, despite our precautions, you have a complaint about our use of your personal data, please contact and we will find a solution. More information on complaints procedures can be found on the following websites: and


1. Who is your data controller?

Volhardingstraat 26
2020 Antwerp
Tel: +32 3 242 82 00
Mail: or

2. What data does SVR-ARCHITECTS collect about you?

SVR-ARCHITECTS undertakes only to process data that are necessary (e.g. for the execution of the agreement) or when you give your explicit consent.
The following data are processed:

a. Agreement purposes
For agreement purposes, SVR-ARCHITECTS NV collects the following identification data:

  • first name and surname
  • national registry number
  • home address
  • private e-mail address
  • work e-mail address
  • company name
  • work address
  • telephone number (fixed and/or mobile)
  • VAT number

b. Martketing Purposes
These data are necessary to optimise the use of our website. It concerns the following data:

  • IP address
  • Origin of the visit
  • Probable location of website visit
  • Time of website visit
  • Duration of website visit
  • brand and type of carrier (computer, tablet or smartphone) used during the website visit

3. How does SVR-ARCHITECTS NV use the information it collects about you?

a. Performing a contract or taking steps connected with a contract.

This includes:

  • Verifying your identity
  • Providing architectural service, customer service and support
  • Accounting purposes
  • Providing necessary information

b. During your visit to the website, SVR-ARCHITECTS NV collects data for statistical purposes. These data are necessary to optimize the use of our website.

This includes:

  • Using automated systems to analyse your content using techniques such as machine learning to improve our services and user experience (where your consent is not required)
  • Analysing problems in our apps and on our website
  • Investigating and responding to any comments or complaints you may send us

4. With whom and how does SVR-ARCHITECTS NV share my personal data?

a. Sharing with data processors

Your personal data will not be passed on to third parties. We only use services that process personal data if we have a processing agreement with them, if they are necessary for our services and information provision and if they can guarantee the secure storage of personal data with a guarantee for your privacy.

Your personal data will only be passed on if this is necessary for the purpose for which you gave your permission and provided the personal data (architectural services, sending newsletters, etc.) or if this is legally required and permitted (e.g. in the context of a judicial investigation).

b. Sharing for anti-fraud purposes

We share personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside SVR-ARCHITECTS SA if we have a good faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security issues or technical problems and to protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of those outside SVR-ARCHITECTS SA, our users or the public as required or permitted by law.

c. Other forms of information sharing

SVR-ARCHITECTS NV may also share your personal information:

  • When you consent.
  • When we are required to provide information in response to a subpoena, court order or other applicable law or legal process (more information).
  • When we have a good faith belief that the data should be disclosed to prevent or respond to fraud, protect our apps or websites from attack, or protect the property and safety of SVR-ARCHITECT NV, our customers and users, or the public.
  • If we merge with or are acquired by another company or a substantial portion of our assets are acquired by another company, your information will likely be disclosed to our advisors and any advisors of a potential acquirer and will become one of the assets transferred to the new owner.

5. How long is your data kept?

Personal data is kept for as long as necessary for the performance of the contract or service for which you gave your consent. Your personal data will be retained for a maximum of 10 years (within the framework of the architect’s legal liability) after its last use.

a. Minors

We have absolutely no intention of collecting data on website visitors who are minors, even if they have permission from their parents or guardians. However, we cannot control whether a visitor is underage. Therefore, please ensure that you are involved in the online activities of your minor children to prevent their data from being processed by us or our partners.

b. Cookies

This website uses functional and analytical cookies. This is done anonymously. Read more about this in our cookie policy. In a nutshell: functional cookies make our website work better, analytical cookies tell us something about how the website is used. No personal data is collected or transmitted in this process. The cookies are not used for marketing or advertising purposes.

You can disable cookies that remember your preferences or you can delete them using your browser settings. You can set your browser so that you no longer receive cookies. In that case, SVR-ARCHITECTS NV cannot guarantee that all services and functionalities of the website will work correctly. Please note that if you use another computer, you will need to adjust your browser settings again.

c. Facebook, Twitter and other social media

Emails sent by SVR-ARCHITECTS NV contain digital signatures and share buttons for social media networks. The code behind these buttons places a cookie on your computer when used. This is subject to the privacy rules of the social networks. We have no influence on and bear no responsibility for what these networks do with your personal data. Please read the privacy policy of the website you visit. We also have no control over how other users of social media use your information after you have shared something on our website.

d. Changes

This Privacy Statement may change. We adjust the rules and conditions in order to protect your privacy as much as possible and handle your personal data in a transparent way. Therefore, please check back regularly. The last update is dated 01 May 2019.

e. If things go wrong

We handle your personal data as carefully as possible and keep them secure. If something does go wrong, we will notify you as soon as possible and do everything we can to limit the damage. The dispersal of your personal data through data theft or data leaks cannot give rise to claims for damages against us.


As made available by SVR-ARCHITECTS nv.
In this disclaimer we indicate the conditions under which we offer the information on our website to you.

Intellectual property
The use of the information on this website is free as long as you do not copy, distribute or use or abuse this information in any other way. You may only reuse the information on this website in accordance with the regulations of mandatory law. Without the explicit written permission of SVR-ARCHITECTS nv, it is not allowed to re-use text, photo material or other materials on this website. The intellectual property belongs to SVR-ARCHITECTS nv.

SVR-ARCHITECTS nv aims to keep this website as up to date as possible.
If, despite these efforts, the information or the content of this website is incomplete or incorrect, we cannot accept any liability for this. The information and/or products on this website are offered without any form of guarantee and/or claim to correctness. We reserve the right to change, remove or re-post these materials without any prior notice.

SVR-ARCHITECTS nv accepts no liability for any information contained on websites to which we refer via hyperlinks.

Should this disclaimer change, you can find the most recent version at